Courses provided by Prof. (Dr.) Sangho Choe
학부과정 (Undergraduate Courses)
## 회로이론및실습, 03132 (Circuit Theory and , 2nd Year)
## 확률및통계, 03141 (Probability and Statistics, 2nd Year)
## 신호및시스템, 03145 (Signals and Systems, 2nd Year)
## 랜던프로세스, 03176 (Random Process, 4th Year)
## 무선통신시스템, 04084 (Wireless Communication Systems, 4th Year)
## 통신부호화이론, 04085 (Channel Coding Theory in Communications, 4th Year)
대학원과정 (Graduate Courses)
## 검파및추정이론, (Estimation and Detection Theory)
## 정보이론, (Information Theory)
## 고급디지털통신, (Advanced Digital Communications)
## 고급통신이론, (Advanced Communication Theory)
## 통신특강, (Special Topics on Communications)
## 통신융합응용, (Fused Applications on Communications)
## 신호처리특강, (Special Topics on Signal Processing Theory)